haunted house

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4 Responses to haunted house

  1. Jessie says:

    Wow James!! That piece of writing has lodes of amazing describing words like ‘ a blood curdeling feeling.’ I also liked the part when you ended on ‘ and that was the end of me.’ If you cocld tomake your work sond better you could have a fullstop after dracula. Thanks and it’s amazing!

  2. HARRY ROWLING says:

    Brilliant James! I love the way you described ” blood curdling scream” And “dark red blood.

  3. noe says:

    Hi James , I really think this is an amazing piece of writing and your descriptions are superb . From what I can see this piece has no minor mistakes or any punctuation wrong . AWSOME!!!
    From Noe (other class you know the one opposite potter).

  4. Joel1 says:

    you have made an amazing piece of writing, I loved how you described the scream as “blood curdling”. Also, I loved how you created an eery moment when “the noise stopped”. I think you could improve your punctuation because you were not putting a space between the full stop. But other than that EEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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