Clown poems

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3 Responses to Clown poems

  1. Elena says:

    Wow Evie I really like your layout it works very well as it organises everything perfectly.Another positive is: all your poems fit well with the topic though the ending of the last one “zebras can’t be clowns” was random however a bit humor is fine.There was one bit were you couldn’t read a word because it was covered.Altogeather impresive

  2. Alex says:

    Hello, Evie! I love your poems because you have put a lot of effort into them and you did loads of work. Also, I am impressed to see that you managed to find a rhyming word for each other word!
    And, I like how you did one with each letter of the alphabet!

    From Alex

  3. Alisa says:

    Hi Jess, Irealy like your poems. You made them ryme very well. I was wondering what the last line was.

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