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4 Responses to zebphant(100wc)

  1. Sophie says:

    Hey Bea Sophie here
    I loved your 100wc it was so intresting but there was 1 spelling mistake so maby you should check but apart from that it was mind blowing.

  2. Mrs Morris Team100WC says:

    Your 100WC about the Zebphant was really interesting Beatrix. You have thought really carefully about what a Zebphant would look like. I like your description of his size as already as big as a grown man. Next time could you try out some different sentence openers? In your second sentence you could have changed it round to start with the word yesterday.
    Keep up the good description!

  3. Niyusha says:

    Hi Beatrix,
    I really liked your writing a bout the Zelaphant. It really gave me a picture of how the animal looks like. After a full stop you need to leave a space and then start writing again. I really like your description.
    Keep on blogging!

  4. bropip16 says:

    Awesome job I thought it was very interesting!

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