The Night Zoo Keeper

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4 Responses to The Night Zoo Keeper

  1. Sally Mattin says:

    Well done Liam. What great imagination. I really liked your description of the bat. Hopefully he won’t come to live in the rafters of our house! You need to work on using a few more full stops.


  2. Mrs Stones (Team 100WC) says:

    Liam, I’m sure the Night Zoo Keeper would be delighted to have your bat in his zoo. You’ve described the bat very clearly, so I can imagine it in my mind. I also like the way you started your writing, you didn’t immediately introduce the bat, which made me want to keep reading. As your mum says, you have missed a couple of full stops, including the one at the very end.
    Super writing and thank-you for entering the 100 Word Challenge.

    Mrs Stones

  3. Keemak15 says:

    You described the bat you found very well, good job!

  4. Liam says:

    Thank you for commenting on my work it ws really nice of you

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