Rapunzel Rescue – 100 Word Challenge

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15 Responses to Rapunzel Rescue – 100 Word Challenge

  1. Kasim says:

    What a fantastic 100 word challenge Jessica! It was really easy to see if you used the 5 words because you highlighted it in blue. I enjoyed it because you had made me wonder what the mysterious sound was. You had used adjectives to describe the noun. Not only that you had used interrupted speech which is one of the targets to reach level 5. Well done!
    From your blogging friends at http://www.6d.highlawnprimary.net

  2. Abbie says:

    Hi my name is Abbie and i think you could get on the show case with a story like that, it was great.

  3. Cole, Emma, Charlotte and MR. Chesterman www.c5.norbridgeblogs.net says:

    We think your 100 word challenge is fantastic. Emma has noticed that there were lots of nouns used so thunbs up there! Charlotte is impressed that you remembered all of your capital letters, full stops and all of your punctuation was in the right place. Cole said it was ‘marvelous’, clever guy! He noticed you used different time connectives instead of just saying ‘then then then then next next next’. WELL DONE FROM US IN CLASS 5! 🙂

  4. Lauren says:

    Hi! Really nice story!
    I really liked it because it was Rapinn- Unzel. Who is M16.
    To make your 100wc even more interesting, you could use a bit more adjectives and detail.

  5. Judie says:

    Very funny. You’re good at these!

  6. matthew and joshua from milldene primary says:

    That was briiliant.

  7. bropip16 says:

    Wow very well done. I really enjoyed reading your story!

  8. amy (Ella's sister) Age 7 says:

    I enjoyed how you said target and how you said pink and bald head.
    My best best best best best best sentence was I sprinted to it , and heard a mysterious sound someone was rapping noisily!
    well done jessica well done
    I realy liked the
    could you say how the curls went out of the window and how the the bald head girl said “sorry” how did you sigh
    but it was still very very good
    I did not like it I loved it
    P.S good luck

  9. rio number 7 on the list says:

    hi love your 100wc check out my one thit is no 7 on the list and don’t forget to coment

  10. Theo says:

    I really liked all descriptions and you made it feel as if it was a secret mission. Why did you use the M16?

  11. Eliza says:

    That was a great 100 word challenge, it was funny how it was a wig she was climbing up. Also it was easy to see the 5 words

  12. Mrs Robinson (Team 100WC) says:

    Hi Jessica

    This is a brilliant twist on an old classic. You have really brought the essence of traditional tales into the modern world. Your writing is descriptive, shows good use of vocabulary and the added humour just makes it a ‘great read’ – well done!

  13. Cecelia from Colorado says:

    I loved your blog Jessica. It was funny that the prince had no idea she was not Rapunzel. I hope i do not end up like Rappin-Unzel. Why did you pick this way to do this story?

  14. Jackson in Colorado says:

    I love this piece of writing!I loved the way you said at the end “M16 had let me down again.”

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