Alphabetic recipe

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4 Responses to Alphabetic recipe

  1. Sophie says:

    Hey Ally Sophie here
    WOW I was gobsmacked by your blog it was mindblowing I don’t think you need to improve!
    Keep blogging

  2. Niyusha says:

    Hey Ally,
    I reall yenjoyed reading your alphabetic recipe it and it really made me laugh and I think the alphabetic part really was great to make a funny wierd recipe.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Sarah (Beatrix's Mum) says:

    Hi Alexandra. I really like your imaginative Alphabetic recipe. You understand how to write recipes but with a very interesting twist. Well done!

  4. Andi - Alexandra 's brother says:

    Hi Sis,

    I think you’ve got a good sense of imagination and a thought of nature.

    Keep up the good work!!!!

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