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7 Responses to Water

  1. BA3F3 says:

    I’ve really enjoyed doing the experiments in Science.

  2. Ms Ashraf says:

    Thank you for water cycle picture. It really helped us remember about the water cycle. Do you know what these technical words – evaporation, condensation, precipitation and infiltration mean?

  3. Rafi says:

    My favourite thing we’ve done is probably the experiments.

  4. Anna says:

    What did you do in the experiments?

  5. Elena says:

    My favourite thing we’ve done is probally the experaments because they helped my understanding of Evaporation, Condensation, Pricipitation and Infiltration. They also helped me write conclusions

  6. lucas says:

    this picture makes me think of the experiments

  7. Louis CB says:

    Science was amazing this year. Hopefully next year we will learn just as much. Thank you so much for teaching us this year Mrs Cohen! Every other subject was great, and I could never do something as good as that, even if I was a trained teacher. Highgate must have suited you before you moved, you treat us like I expect you did to them!

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