Bad weather

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5 Responses to Bad weather

  1. Gabriella says:

    Hi Nathalie,
    I loved that piece of writing! You were very expressive through your
    writing and you used some excellent rhyming words. I really look
    forwards to reading your next piece of work!

  2. Sophie K says:

    that was a great peace of work,
    I loved the rhyming words describing the weather,

  3. Hugo says:

    I think your piece of writing was amazing!I love the adjectives that you used to desribe the snow.

    The only improvement is that the end of the poem needs to have a full stop.

  4. Gabriel says:

    Well done Nathalie I loved the rhyming words. It really makes the poem sound extraordinary when read out loud!! The theme really worked with the poem. And excatly 100 words. your a superstar.

    From your Brother Gabriel.

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