The Purple Creature

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10 Responses to The Purple Creature

  1. kingm says:

    Well Done Dilan
    You had lots of description in this but maybe next time you could put more about the purple animal

  2. IsabellaI says:

    Hi Dilan,
    I really like your work because there is lots of susupense and you make the reader really want to know what happens next. Next time you should describe teh purple creature more and maybe what it was doing.

  3. Daniel J says:

    I like the build up of the story and the use of elipsis however you could of used more adjectives to make the story more effective

  4. Ava says:


    Amazing piece of work! You should describe the creature more. Hope you carry on because it is really good.


  5. Alexander says:

    Hey Dilan,
    good story but perhaps you could put more description about the purple monster.

  6. Maddie p says:

    Hi Dilan,
    that is a great piece of work but I think you could put a bit more info about the creature.

  7. Cleo says:

    hi dilan,
    i really like your adverbs and verbs.
    i like how in your story you met with the zoo keeper.
    you can improve by describing the creature more such
    as what it looks like

  8. Eve says:

    hi dilan
    I like your post because you made it so you didn’t know what was going to happen next.

  9. Charlie says:

    I like it because it is a nice build up to the final thing!

  10. Rosie says:

    Hi dilan,
    Wow! You have done a great peice of work however, I think your writing could be better if you had added more description on certain sections like the creature and the zoo keeper.
    From Rosie.

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