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3 Responses to WW2 TOYS or GAMES

  1. Ethan says:

    Hello, I like your blog because it really shows your opinion and tells me what can happen to you if you do play war games on consoles.
    From Ethan W

  2. Shanice says:

    Well done Mia, I completely agree with you. You were very persuasive and you used brilliant language in your writing. You really thought about it and made a great piece of work. Next time you could try and make it longer by adding more detial but apart from that great job.

  3. Nela says:

    Hi Mia. I agree that toys are alot better than games on screens. Most war games are just shooting and targeting tanks. But there are some war games that arn’t about shooting, like the mend, make or spend game about evacuation and clothes rationing. Have you tried it?

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