WW2 Evacuation

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3 Responses to WW2 Evacuation

  1. Shanice says:

    Wow Hector, that was really good. You put in so much information and detail. It was very clear, I could read it really easily. Next time try and use a variety of punctuation but apart from that well done.

  2. jonah says:

    I really enjoyed your peice of writing.It was very informative!Next time you could maybe use some spaces in the correct places.Keep it up!

  3. Scott says:

    Hi Hector, I will start with the wish first, I noticed that you did not use spacing for about 4 of your words. But I like the rest I think your grandma’s story was personally quite funny (no offence). I think you put in lots of information that you got from your grandparent wich was very good. But I think you should use some punctuation like Shanice said.
    From Scott

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