100 wc- I forgot it was a leap year

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4 Responses to 100 wc- I forgot it was a leap year

  1. Sally Mattin says:

    Well done Liam. A really good attempt. I notice that it’s all my fault for not realising it’s a leap year! Next time you could try and use some more descriptive words to explain how you felt when you realised that Harry wouldn’t be coming to tea.


  2. Can says:

    Liam I really enjoyed it especially I wish I wasn’t born on a leap year although you could do with a bit more description

  3. Joseph says:

    Great story Liam,
    I thought your ideas where great! Next time remember to use capital letters for names.

  4. Sally Mattin says:

    Thank you Joseph for the comment I completely agree that I should use
    Capital letters for names

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