Abasis story

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4 Responses to Abasis story

  1. Oscar says:

    Really good Zack. I like how you give infomatson about Abasi’s famaly. Good work!

  2. Konstantinos says:

    Hi Zack, I really like your peice of work. You can really get in Abisis shoes and feel like what it is to be drinking dirty water.
    You have really uderstood Abisis story.You could improve on no treapiting

  3. Milo says:

    well done Zack I liked how you did your bigger piece of homework on the blog you expressed your emotions alot better than I did in my piece of work.Good paragraphs because you dont really change subjects in them.I really enjoyed reading this.

  4. Kailen says:

    Zack I thought your proportiobn of work is massive wich is realy great to see and also your description, personification is great.

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