I made this for a competion for the bbc radio and wanted to share it

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6 Responses to I made this for a competion for the bbc radio and wanted to share it

  1. Ida says:

    I hope you like it it was for a compition 500 word I made it up my self.

  2. Christian says:

    Wow, that was a really exciting story. Where did you get the inspiration to write this story and where did you find the horse’s name? It should be made into a film! Well done Ida

    • Ida says:

      I made up the horse name.I liked the sound of it. It should be made into a film because it is really good
      and sad and films are sometimes sad.

  3. Jessica says:

    I agree that this should be made into a film. I really liked all the suspense that you put into it. Good luck with the competition!

  4. Havana says:

    I really enioyed reading this post and I really liked how you started the story and how you discribed JK for exanple:what he loved and how his favourite horse was. I also liked the way you discribed how people were talking to eachother.I think you can inprove by adding some more commas in to break up some sentences.

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