100 word challenge! Dear my bestest diary….

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5 Responses to 100 word challenge! Dear my bestest diary….

  1. Hope says:

    I really like your 100 wc Merley its really funny and good! Well Done! The only thing that I would improve on is the number of words (you did 170!).

    • Merley says:

      Thanks hope for repling, by the way I really liked your bat poen just to say! Next time I will definetley count on the number of words I do!

  2. Jessica says:

    Really funny Merley,
    Try to decrease the number of words though.

  3. Sarah Ebner says:

    I really enjoyed this. Great writing for a four year old!!

  4. Matilda says:

    Your piece of writing was really funny Merley,I like the way you’ve set it out because it’s not really a story but kind of facts.

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