The split Banana

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8 Responses to The split Banana

  1. Freya says:

    Loads of good imagineation but you spell off like that not of.

  2. Anna W says:

    I really like your description of the bannana flew off like the end of a boat. Ialso like the way you are so imaginative.

  3. Mrs Halford (Team 100WC) says:

    Hello Armelle, what an imaginative piece for the 100WC. I love the idea of the fruit talking and having such great personalities. It is fun to make things act like people (did you know it is called personification?) I enjoyed this and hope you keep writing for the 100WC.

  4. Moore Class (Shoreham Village School) says:

    Your story was really good, it was really funny and we liked the way you made the banana split joke! We would love to go to Starbucks with the strawberry and the banana. We liked the way you described the strawberry.

    Moore Class
    Shoreham Village School

  5. Ms Woodgate (Team 100WC) says:

    Wow Armelle, what a great imagination you have! I love banana splits and your 100WC has got my stomach rumbling.
    It is very impressive how you fitted a whole story in this week’s challenge. You included a lovely range of punctuation in your work too.
    Remember to read through your work to spot any little errors, like hole instead of whole.
    I can’t wait to see what you do next time. Keep up the good work.

  6. bertille says:

    I like your 100 wc because i like the banana and the ruby red strawberry

  7. Ross Mannell (Team 100WC) says:

    Hello Armelle,
    Congratulations on being selected for the 100WC Showcase.
    This is a very imaginative and well written entry. Fancy a strawberry threatening to turn a banana into a banana split. 🙂
    @RossMannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher, NSW, Australia

  8. Mr Overton says:


    Congratulations for being selected on the 100WC showcase. Just shows how good your writing is!

    What a wonderful imagination you have by the way.

    Well done, keep up your excellent writing

    Mr Overton
    (100WC Team)

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