Easter bunny 100wc

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2 Responses to Easter bunny 100wc

  1. Mrs Cohen says:

    What a sad story Alex!
    Below are the rules for using speech marks. Can you see how to improve your piece of writing?
    *Put speech marks at the start and at the end of what is being spoken.
    *Put a capital letter at the start of the speech.
    *Put your punctuation inside the speech marks.
    *Start a new line every time somebody new starts speaking.
    Keep up the good work, I look forward to reading more from you on the blog 🙂

  2. Diethild Starkmeth Team - 100WC says:

    You have a great imagination, Alex!
    I enjoyed reading your story, even though the end is kind of sad.
    The dialogue makes it very interesting to read.
    Keep up the great work!
    Kind regards,

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