My anoying cousin

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2 Responses to My anoying cousin

  1. writeovertheedge says:

    From Lorely Team 100WC

    Hi Niyusha! I enjoyed reading your story very much, especially as it was so different from all the other ones I have read! It was very clever of you to use the prompt words indirectly as you did – so instead of writing about pink castles and dragons, it is about your annoying cousin. That was very imaginative. Well done, and keep writing for the challenge!

  2. Louis CB says:

    Great description, Niyusha. I really lost myself in that story, all about you and your cousin. I really like the way that you didn’t reveal how old she was, whilst saying that she travels around the world on her own, but also plays with barbies and has to be read a story every night. Amazing hidden language!

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