100wc week 31

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2 Responses to 100wc week 31

  1. Mr. Foster says:

    Dear Raphael,

    I really enjoyed your use of powerful verbs, the use of trudged really shows the difficulty that Tm and Moby would have had getting through the jungle.

    Keep up with your excellent writing.

    Mr. Foster – Shrewsbury International School Bangkok – http://blogs.shrewsbury.ac.th/year5blog/

  2. Caroline Hardman (Team 100WC) says:

    I really enjoyed your 100WC entry Raphael – your use of descriptive language is brilliant! You’ve come up with some really good similes, like “hooves as sharp as knives”, and phrases like ‘mud covered trees’ and ‘green leaves the size of cows’ really help to paint a vivid picture of the scene. Keep up the great work!

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