Blog it

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2 Responses to Blog it

  1. matger19 says:

    This is a really nice 100WC. i hope you get a lot of post

  2. Miss Wells (Team 100wc) says:

    Hi Armelle, well done for writing such a convincing post. It was great that you included facts about the 100 word challenge explaining that it is worldwide and that the showcase outstanding blogs. From your writing I can sense just how much you like the prompts and challenge which is essential when writing a persuasive piece of writing. If you write a persuasive piece of writing again try to use a range of words instead of ‘always’ and maybe include some persuasive openers such as: ‘Everyone knows, the 100 word challenge is the best blog around’ or ‘Surely you would agree, the 100 word challenge is a worldwide phenomena’. Keep up the great writing, I look forward to reading more.

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