Emerald City description

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19 Responses to Emerald City description

  1. Thomas says:

    I love the bit when it says like a drunk man, good simile, but you should work on your punctuation.

  2. Harry says:

    I like your title THE EMERALD CITY DESCRIPTION but put a full stop at the end of the writing.

    By Harry

  3. Ben P says:

    Dear David
    I liked your description but could you use some different words other than green you seemed to use it alot.

    From Ben.

  4. Louis H says:

    Hi David,
    great description but think a bit on the puncuation.

  5. Milla says:

    Some good discriptive phrases and languge but remeber to use puntuation to make it more affective and esier to read

  6. Eusebi says:

    Hi David,
    you used some great similes and also some amazing description.
    To improve you might want to check your spelling.


  7. nathalieD says:

    I was blown away from that amazing piece of work you created. You put in increadible descriptions in your wonderful piece of writing.

  8. Peter C says:

    I liked your discription but you couled use more full stops.You used good similes.

  9. Alexander says:

    Great description David but you could of used the word green less and dont forget puntuation

  10. Joe says:

    Hi David
    I loved your amazing description but on your first full stop you didn’t put a capital letter after, great try

  11. jackson says:

    Hi David,
    Wow! I liked that you put “drinking like a drunk”.

  12. Cleo says:

    I really like your work because you did very good similes like as loud as a hammer,
    I also liked your good use of the word green so we know the Emerald city is green
    But next time you do a blog try to use more discribing words

  13. Daniel J says:

    Hi David,
    I loved your amazing piece of work especially your similes. You could of not always say green all the time.

  14. Maddie P says:

    Hi David,
    I really liked your Emerald City description because you used lots of similes like as loud as a hammer, I also liked your way of describing green and you used lots of your 5 senses.

  15. James says:

    Hi David

    I enjoyed reading your report on the Emerald City. Your clever use of a simile to describe things ‘as green as a leaf’ put a clear picture in my mind of it’s colour.
    I love to hear pop corn popping, and your imaginative use of a simile, will make me smile next time I make pop corn.

  16. Alfie B says:

    Wow David I absulootly loved your work!
    But you could inproove saying green sometimes like verdant green.
    Hope to see your next blog!

  17. Matthew says:

    nice descrption and i love it when you said a drunk man,
    but you need fullstops.

  18. Theoh says:

    good description and putuation cant wait to see your next piese of work

  19. Jamie L says:

    Hi David

    love your description of green ,next time use more nouns

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