It wasn’t my fault!

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4 Responses to It wasn’t my fault!

  1. Juliette Mellman-Jones says:

    What an interesting and evocative piece of writing. Do you have any teachers like Miss Frown? I hope not! More importantly I know you always do you your homework.

  2. Lexi says:

    Awesome, Evie! You should have written more! Well done my dear 🙂

  3. Ms Ashraf says:

    What a dramatic scene, I really liked the feelings of hopelessness that your character had
    …I hope that I wasn’t the inspiration to Miss Frown!!!
    May I make two suggestions:
    1. Try not to write on a coloured screen- it can be quite hard for some people to read
    2. Why not try and use figurative language- such as similie or personification to describe Miss Frown.
    I really want to know what will happen next!

    • Evie says:

      You are definitely the opposite to Miss Frown! Thank you for those suggestions you have made for me to improve my work! I shall use them in my next piece of writing and watch out for another chapter of what happened to me and Miss Frown! I do agree about the colour of the screen as I think I went a bit over board. I certainly think that scene was dramatic. Thank you for commenting on my work as I shall be doing lots more! 🙂

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