the unusual noise

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3 Responses to the unusual noise

  1. Blaithins (ms.okeeffesclass) says:

    Wow, Great 100WC!
    I like how you said “I saw a big yellow ball like the sun”!
    The little yellow birds sound really cute!
    I hope I can read more of you’r Hundred Word Challenges,
    From Blaithin 😀
    If you have time please visit my blog. 😀

  2. Su Harris (Team 100WC) says:

    I love this piece of writing Julius as you’ve used some really powerful words to set the scene. The way that you’ve said ‘slipped into my shoes’ is very clever as it makes me imagine that you did it quietly but quickly. I wonder why you were not allowed into the forest?

  3. Ben P says:

    Hi Julius
    I love your description of the forest as ‘dark and gloomy’ and the flock of birds as ‘a big yellow ball’.
    I hope you do a ‘part 2’ because you ended on a great cliffhanger!
    From Ben P

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