As the Birds Swooped Down

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2 Responses to As the Birds Swooped Down

  1. Ross Mannell (Team 100WC) says:

    Hello Hugo,

    What a terrifying story you share. First your younger brother then your mother was taken by humungous birds. I can only imagine what the huge birds must have been. Perhaps they were mutant condors or some prehistoric species once thought to be extinct.

    With your brothers falling and your mother taken, we don’t know what will happen. You leave us guessing, a good writing technique when you want readers to use their own imaginations. Well done. 🙂

    I can see the care you have taken with spelling and punctuation. My only suggestion would be to remember to leave a space after a full stop or question mark.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  2. Barbara McFall says:

    Hello Hugo,
    You have created quite an ominous story, one that could easily be a horror film story. You have written in a style that allows your readers to come to their own conclusions about what ultimately happened. Nice idea.
    Keep up the good work.

    Barbara McFall (Team 100WC)
    The Phoenix School, Salem, MA USA

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