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3 Responses to Alone

  1. Miss T team 100wc says:

    Hi Milla
    What a scarey experience you have described. The beginning of your story quickly brought me to the action, setting the scene and leaving me with questions. I wondered why you had added the time to your writing and wondered if it was 11.59 am or pm as that could completely alter the mood of your writing.
    You should feel very proud of your writing this week, well done
    Miss T team 100wc

  2. Ms O'Keeffe (Team 100WC) says:

    Hi Milla, What a scary story for this 100 word challenge. I really like the way you started it “another day had passed” as if everything was perfectly okay and then, all of a sudden, everything changed with the appearance of the “tall man with coal black hair”. What a great description! The whole atmosphere of the story changed and you introduced suspense which had me sitting on the edge of the seat as I was reading, In fact I think my heart was actually beating incredibly fast. well done on such excellent writing and I look forward to reading more of your work on the 100 word challenge.
    Ms O’Keeffe (Team 100wc)

  3. MikeB (team 100wc) says:

    Milla –

    Well, that left me with my heart beating fast: you did a great job of building up the tension bit by bit! Setting up the time as just before midnight was a clever touch as well, as it set up the story.

    Well done: good writing.


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