help is on its way 100wc

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8 Responses to help is on its way 100wc

  1. Lara says:

    What a lovely, smiley speech.
    It made me feel warm.

  2. Helen says:

    Dear Polly

    What a kind letter, reminding those who have suffered that other people care. I can tell you really thought about what they may be feeling in the wake of such a tragedy.

    Helen, Hector’s mum

  3. Ross Mannell (Team 100WC) says:

    Hello Polly,

    When times of tragedy strike, one of the greater gifts we can give the victims is hope. Victims can feel isolated, alone and forgotten until a helping hand and kind words comes along. I was impressed by the thoughts of comfort in your words. Your letter shows empathy*. Well done. 🙂

    Although there are some minor spelling errors you missed when checking, I can see the care you have taken with spelling and punctuation. I particularly liked the section where you reminded us people we have lost remain in our hearts and their love for us goes on. Again, well done.

    I hope you keep entering the 100WC. Your ability to empathise and share your feelings with others is a strong writing skill.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

    *empathy is the ability to place yourself into the feelings of others

  4. Emma says:

    Hi Polly that was a really nice letter you made them feel really hopeful inside their body On the other hand there are a few spells mistakes in your letter and a few capital letters missing but otherwise it was a heart warming piece of writing.

  5. Lauryn says:

    Well done polly you have included lots of
    nice thoughts I bet you have cheered one up
    You really thought about it.

  6. Lucy says:

    Hi Polly,
    I loved your writing, it made me feel so warm. Next time check your I are capitals if they are on there own. Also check your spelling because heart is spelt wrong. Can’t wait for you to publish another piece of writing!


  7. Shanice says:

    Wow Polly that was really touching. You used lots of different sentence openers and lots of punctuation which was used correctly as well. Next time you might want to put some conjunctions in but apart from that great job.

  8. mia says:

    Wow polly I really like this piece of writing and i bet if one of the philippine kids I would listen to you because that would of been very helpful information

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