100wc week 13

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4 Responses to 100wc week 13

  1. Barbara McFall (Team 100WC) The Phoenix School, MA USA says:

    This is quite an exciting chapter to the prompt graphic story with a surprise ending of it being someone who was annoyed at school. It makes us wonder what they could have done. Good job.

    Barbara McFall, Team 100WC
    The Phoenix School, Salem, MA US

  2. Mrs Goulbourne Team 100WC says:

    Well done! A great entry to 100WC.
    You have show just how creative your thinking is by providing a twist at the end! I really like that you have used direct speech to make your writing lively and interesting for the reader.

    Keep up this great writing, hopefully i’ll read your future entries!

    Mrs Goulbourne, Team 100WC, Liverpool

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Freya,
    that was good.You used the correct punctation for your speech marks. But try adding a few more adjectives.

  4. Grace H says:

    Hi Freya,
    You have made the story extremely dramatic and I love the different words you used for ‘said’.Always remember to put punchuation inside your speech marks.

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