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4 Responses to zack

  1. Neve says:

    Zack easy its Santa isn’t it. Funny riddle please leave a reply an tell me if I’m correct!

  2. Boaz says:

    Hi Zack, lovely riddle and picture. Maybe next time you shouldn’t give it away as much. Anyway I think the answer is Santa.

  3. Amy says:

    Hey Zack, I really like your work. I liked it when you wrote ‘STASH OF SUPER PRESENTS’ . I also liked it when you wrote ‘NAUGHTY AND NICE ELFS’. To make it better how about another verse?. Apart from that absolutely a amazing riddle.

  4. Maya says:

    Are you Santa Claus? Zack, I really like this poem/riddle. Well done, from Maya’s mum.

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