the wrong batteries

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2 Responses to the wrong batteries

  1. Mrs Fine 100 WC Team (Surrey, UK) says:

    Wow Noe, how exciting! You have used such wonderful descriptive language that I can picture the robot rampaging through your house. I really like the bit where your mother faints at the first sight of it – it tells us how terrifying it must be. You use powerful verbs like screaming, bashed and gaining, and the whole piece is super to read. With such a marvellous writing style your next step is to make sure all the little details are correct, eg. spelling ‘its’ without an apostrophe, not putting a space before a comma, not missing out words – such minor things but they will make your fab writing even better.

  2. alex bw says:

    Noe this is fantastikly bubbly crumblo good with lots of adjectives and adverbs.I think you can inprove it by not mising out words.

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