not CUSTARD!!!!!

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2 Responses to not CUSTARD!!!!!

  1. Mr G, Sheffield, UK (Team 100WC) says:

    I’m so glad I had my tea before reading your 100WC Neve. Eurggghhh! Although I love custard, I’m not sure I’ll be able to face it again without thinking of your story. I seem to remember my mum telling me how she liked the taste of some things that seemed awful to me … although I I’m glad to say don’t remember her chicken ever being ‘green.’ 😉
    Writing down a conversation can be a tough thing to do, but you’ve had a good try at getting all the punctuation in the right places. Do remember though that capital letters are needed at the start of a sentence, even when writing what people are saying.
    Well done Neve.

  2. Amy says:

    Hi Neve
    I love it when you wrote ‘my tong has been posined’. I also loved it how you used different words like yelped and groaned. The think you could improve on is using the write spelling. Apart from that ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!

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