100wc- speech marks

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6 Responses to 100wc- speech marks

  1. Greg says:

    Good story, Niyusha. It made me laugh. I wish it was a bit longer so that there would be even more to enjoy. What does Mr County look like? Can you describe him? Or perhaps you could describe Roger.

  2. Rafi says:

    Hello Niyusha.
    I really liked…
    1. Your short snappy sentences.
    2. How realistic it was.

    Remember to…
    1. Start a new line when someone new is speaking.

    Apart from that everything was fine so keep up the good work. Have you ever been in your characters position?

  3. Elaine Western says:

    Hi Niyusha. I thought this post was really good, I particularly liked the word gulped. I am guessing that Rodger looked like a good person to do your homework?! It would be good to know what your first impressions of him were.

  4. Elaine Western says:

    I like your range of long and short sentences. You could start start a new line when a different person speaks and it would be nice if you described some characters. Despite the improvements I really enjoy your great story.

  5. Caroline (Rafi's Mum) says:

    Hello Niyusha,
    All the other comments have summed up my review but I will write it down anyway.
    I really liked your work because of the vivid picture it has painted in my head and the imagination that has gone into it. But remember to start a new line when somebody new is speaking. Apart from that everything was fine and deserved a spotlight on the blog.
    From Rafi’s Mum.

  6. Jonathan (Rafi's Dad) says:

    Hello Niyusha,
    I thought your work was evocative, descriptive and had a reasonable amount of dialogue in it. I would like to ask… Have you ever been in that position before? I know Rafi has! Keep up the good work wand carry on writing on the blog!
    From Rafi’s Dad. 🙂

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