The Easter Bunny

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8 Responses to The Easter Bunny

  1. Alice says:

    That was an amazing piece of work. I espeaialy loved the bit when you said a sea of green leaves. You used brilliant adjectives for example: Fluffy,, cream coloured also your verbs were great:Surrounded,crept,rustle,stuck out.
    Well done.

  2. Imogen says:

    I liked your writing so much, especially like when you described the leafy green bushes. Well done, my only criticism is that when you write a verb that starts with a vowel you write ‘an’ not ‘a’. Apart from that it was brilliant.

  3. Liam says:

    Your work is brilliant were do you get the ideas from,
    please keep on blogging

  4. coopm075.309 says:

    How do you do that?
    Your work is brilliant!
    I hope you get more good comments!

  5. Joe(High lawn) says:

    Wow Anna this 100 word challenge is amazing! Also I liked it how you described the bush as ‘A green sea of leaves!’ I thought this was amazing. As well as you used level five punctuation like ! and …… also you used them in the right way keep up the good work.

  6. Lorely Team 100WC says:

    Hi Anna! I really liked the idea behind your story – that cats would bow low to an Easter bunny! I can just picture them, and the fluffy cream tail too. It was a nice funny twist that when the cats came back it was a melted chocolate bunny! Well done.

  7. Mrs McGuinnity (Team 100WC) says:

    Hi Anna,
    Thank you for sharing your 100WC entry. Your first few sentences really captured my interest and made me want to read on. Well done. Next time, do check your use of punctuation, I think you could have included some commas within your sentences.
    Keep up the fantastic work Anna, I’ll look forward to seeing how your writing progresses.
    Mrs McGuinnity (Team 100WC)

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