Why is school important 100 WC

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2 Responses to Why is school important 100 WC

  1. Rafi says:

    Hi Alex. I thought your work was really good as it demonstrated everything an informative blog should include. I also found your comparison to lying in all day very funny as it made me crack up with laughter. Maye next time you can use some evidence to back up your reasons about why school is important. For example: You could write how school helps you in life. Apart from that small mistake, everything was fine so keep up the good work and carry on blogging. 🙂

  2. Merley says:

    Welldone Alex! I thought you definetly explained the main points of how school is important. Also how you make friends
    and learn about cultures and all sorts of people. I cant really think of any mistakes. REALLY BRILLIANT!!!!!!!

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