impresive discription it has lots of detail and desciption it makes the reader feel like she is reading the book just watch out for small punctuation and spelling mistakes
Hi Madison,
You have included great discription like ‘glisening emeralds’ and ‘great, green city’. Also you have encluded four of the five sences (smell, taste, hear and see) wich is great. To inprove add in some alitaration.
Well done,
Hi Maddison,
I enjoyed your post because you used a lot of excellent adjectives to describe the greenness in the Emerald City. Check your punctuation as you needed more commas :).
From Eve
Hi Madison
Your description was very detailed and your adjectives are brilliant.
From Ben P
impresive discription it has lots of detail and desciption it makes the reader feel like she is reading the book just watch out for small punctuation and spelling mistakes
thank you ,milla I love writing so to be told that I have inpressive description is great!
Hi Madison,
You have included great discription like ‘glisening emeralds’ and ‘great, green city’. Also you have encluded four of the five sences (smell, taste, hear and see) wich is great. To inprove add in some alitaration.
Well done,
Hi Maddison,
I enjoyed your post because you used a lot of excellent adjectives to describe the greenness in the Emerald City. Check your punctuation as you needed more commas :).
From Eve